WGTG Summer School 2016 – “Alps vs. Apennines: Tectonic Geomorphology of Mountains”

WGTG Summer School 2016

“Alps vs. Apennines: Tectonic Geomorphology of Mountains” – Italy: Western Alps-Central Apennines, July 2-9, 2016

The Summer School is intended for students and early career scientists involved in tectonic geomorphology studies. It aims to offer a comprehensive overview of pioneering techniques, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches for meeting the growing needs of knowledge on both long-term tectonic uplift and sudden geomorphological changes.

The Summer School includes lectures (2 days), laboratory and field activities (4 days). A group of experts from different countries will present the state of the art on tectonic geomorphology and related methods. Case studies from a diversity of geomorphotectonic environments will be analyzed and discussed. A rich programme of field activity will be developed both in the Western Alps, symbol of a long-term evolution orogen, and in central Apennines, where recent seismicity (L’Aquila earthquake, 2009) caused casualties, damages and sudden geomorphological changes.

new! 2nd Circular

1st Circular_(Updated) – The deadline for EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION has been extended to APRIL 29, 2016!

registration form (doc)

registration form (pdf)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) will offer 2 grants of 400 euros to cover the registration fee to YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS (under 35 years old) worldwide (except Italy) who are willing to take part in the Summer School.