Reports by Grant Holders – IAG GRANTS for 11th Workshop of the IAG/AIG SEDIBUD Working Group – Baru (Hunedoara County, Romania), 5-8 September 2017

The International Association of Geomorphologists offered 2 grants of 250 euros to favour the participation of Young Geomorphologists (under 35 years old) worldwide (except Romania) in the Workshop organized by the IAG SEDIBUD (Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments) Working Group on the “Relationships between climate change, vegetation cover and sediment fluxes in high latitude/high altitude cold environments.

The 11th IAG/AIG SEDIBUD (Sediment budgets in Cold Environments) Workshop was held on 5-8 September 2017 at the Research Base of the Babeş-Bolyai University (UBB), located in Baru (Hunedoara County, Romania). It brought together researchers from various scientific fields with special interest and studies concerning the sediment transfer processes and budgets under changing climate and vegetation cover conditions in high latitude/high altitude cold environments worldwide.

A one-day field trip was organized in Parâng Mountains (Southern Carpathians), aiming at introducing the participants within the morphoclimatic context of the alpine areas in Carpathians. Several sites with past and contemporary geomorphic process activity (rock falls, rock avalanches, debris flows, snow avalanches, periglacial activity etc.). The participants got also an overview of the complex interactions between the sediment transfer processes and the mountain ecosystems (alpine meadows, subalpine shrubs and coniferous forests).

For further information on the Workshop, please visit the IAG SEDIBUD Working Group webpage

The selection of candidates was carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.

4 eligible applications were received for the grants available.

IAG GRANTS have been awarded to the following candidates:


David KRAUSE (Czech Republic) | REPORT

Sonya STOYANOVA (Bulgaria) | REPORT

Mauro Soldati

IAG Vice-President and Training Officer