New dates for IAG conferences and Executive Committee term

The Council of the International Association of Geomorphologists, comprised of its National Scientific Members convened virtually on 19 January 2021. 48 people were in attendance with 35 NSM who cast votes (>70% of the membership). Three important decisions were taken which will shape the actions of the IAG until 2022:

1. The Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Mashhad, Iran will be rescheduled to Spring 2022

2. The International Conference on Geomorphology in Coimbra will now be held 12-16 September 2022

3. The Executive Committee’s term will be extended to allow elections to be held in person at the ICG in September 2022.

As a consequence the IAG’s working group terms will be extended to the ICG in September 2022. After this date the four-year cycle will be re-established with the next ICG being held in 2026.

We would like to thank the national delegates for their participation in this meeting and all the National Scientific Members for their ongoing support.

In order to compensate for the lack of in-person IAG meetings, we are proud to present the inaugural IAG Regional Webinars which will be held during International Geomorphology Week 1-7 March 2021 and we encourage you all to attend! Details as they become available will be posted here.