Reports by IAG Grant Holders – Xth AIGeo Young Geomorphologists’ Day and the IIIrd IAG International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting (Venice, Italy, 1-2 March 2024)

All participants in front of the railway station in Venice. Credits: Denovan Chauveau (University of Venice Ca’ Foscari).

The Italian Young Geomorphologists (IYG) Group of the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo) organised the Xth AIGeo Young Geomorphologists’ Day and the IIIrd IAG International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting in Venice (Italy), on 1-2 March 2024. The IAG offered 3 Grants to support the participation of three Young Geomorphologists (inside and outside Europe). Congratulations to all Grant Holders!

The theme of that combined event was “Climate Change and the Role of Early-Career Geomorphologists”. Therefore, Grant Holders had the opportunity to learn more about the “complex interplay of natural processes and climate change”, but also to present their research related to that field. Overall, meeting other early-career researchers provided grant holders with “valuable advice on research and managing a PhD“. They also highlight a friendly atmosphere between participants, during the informal event and the field trip. Said field trip took place in Venice, and was dedicated to the theme “Living on the water towards 2100“. Hence, Grant Holders had the opportunity to learn about the returning period of floods, diversion of rivers, ground subsidence… with an emphasis on “changes in sea level and their relationships with the urban geomorphology of the city of Venice”.
Overall, all three Grant Holders thank the IAG for the financial support that allowed them to participate in this “incredibly enriching and beneficial event“.

Find their full reports here: